Thursday, 12 February 2015

Today I was determined to sew up something for my older son.
At 12, he often gets left out of the Mama-sewn creations.
Honestly, both my sons do.  There is little out there.

But one of my favourite designers of pdf patterns has a perfect top out that is just a little different than the stuff you can buy off-the-rack at the common big-box stores.

Love Notions has a pattern she calls the MotoMax set, that goes up to size 14.
I purchased this - and her Samson hoodie too - and prepared to sew for boys !

But Alas, it was not meant to be, and BigBoy needs to wait another day or few.
Or at least until Mama gets more ink for her printer that is !

I couldn't just NOT sew though.

So I opened up a pattern I already had printed out and ready to go - another from Love Notions, called the Willow Wrap top.

And cleared off the kitchen table to lay out the pieces.  Because I am a big girl, the pieces are quite large, and I can't lay them out on my tiny sewing table.

A few hours later, and I'm wearing my new top.

I thank my dear little girl for taking my photos - as much as I hate to be in front of the camera, I have to to show effectively how gorgeous this top turns out !

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